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Separation Anxiety Training

Stressed to Settled programme

Our Head Trainer, Josie, is a Certified Separation Anxiety Pro Behaviour Consultant This means that she has completed extensive training and qualifications to offer the Stressed to Settled SA Pro 8-week programme.


This programme has already helped hundreds of dogs around the world to feel safer and happier when they're alone. And now we can help your dog too!​

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Stressed to Settled - Separation Anxiety



Valid for 8 weeks


Clients who have completed our eight-week programme and wish to renew their app access can now purchase a monthly subscription. This is available only to existing clients, and you can start your subscription below:

Best Value

Separation Anxiety App Access Only



Every month

This subscription gives you access to the Separation Anxiety app. For existing SA clients only.

Valid until canceled

One month mobile app access

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